Monday, July 28, 2008

Last rites

It's time to head back to the windy city after my three weeks in Aus sped by. The weekend saw a couple of rides, Saturday at Killi and Sunday in Glenrock. Having other people's bikes to ride has been a Godsend, but which one to choose? It was the Intense for Killi, and El Mariachi got another run on Sunday. Cheers K-Man!

Johnny Klink brought along his retro SSer that he's just built up, for more of 'The Museum' check this out.

While here I managed to talk Steve into buying a new bike and get his old mojo back. He's lovin it too, not having to ride a clapped-out Cannondale with a Headshok minus rebound (and only one gear). K-Man sorted him out with a sweet price on a Canaan and it's like he's never been away, slicing through the trees like a man half his weight.

1 comment:

josh said...

The weather here is about to collapse, BIGTIME. Major storm rolling in tomorrow. Enjoy your flight.